PJ - Kingston, Washington

I travel around the great Pacific Northwest racing mostly enduro, and some cross country bike races.

I started riding at age 3 and a half, and quit training wheels at age 4. I did my first “trail ride” at age 5, and in the same year did a 30 mile ride on the iron horse trail, and each year I rode more and more. At age 9 did my first enduro race, and I am still racing to this day. In 2022, I won the series in the Cascadia  Dirt Cup females juniors novice age 11-13.

I’m not alone! I have friends who race alongside me! One of them is Kassidy McNees! Kassidy and I are also on a bike team- The North Kitsap Mountain Vikes.

My goals (and dreams) of the future are to make it big- compete in red Bull. I want to be up in the big league- hit the insane stuff that the pro riders do. But I’m not quite ready. This year I am going into 8th grade, and I can’t hurt myself too bad because I need to do my homework.

Recently, Kassidy McNees and I have started a YouTube channel (Queens Of Chaos), and doing so have broadened my dreams.